Saturday, July 9, 2011

when she was 10

 She's constantly running out of words to write,
to sight
to speak
to seek
The sky was closed
when she was in a desperate need
She was lost when it wouldn't let her in
And, as for another heavy night to fall
She lights her 10th mid-night cigerette
reminising back when she was 10-
Where she always made it through the rain
on her own- always she owned a little bit of faith to the countless tears she shed
When she didn't know how to dream a 'beautiful life'
Yet she was greatful for every smile she miled-
Filed into her heart,
when she used to fight for a better tomorrow,
not knowing where that battle was going to lead to

again, she was ten...,

(4 am. I wanted to play with my cheap digital Samsung camera-, it's been a while..)


Jessica said...

Such a lovely post.

P.S. We are having a giveaway on our blog. I hope you will jump over and enter.

The Unknowngnome said...

Your words fit well your playing. I enjoyed both.
Keep writing and taking pics.