Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Life & death

My precious life,
Tonight I am not going to lie,
this point- I see no reason to hide.
Out my window I see tides
And in my eyes- the world collides
I hate how this word divides.
Is there anything I can provide?
Sometimes I fall harder and at times I wish to end this faster-
But see, I have the choice of life and death,
While many others don't- they kneel on bed.
Strength can't be planted
Nor courage be granted,
It's in our fate,
It can't be changed,
so be ingrated,
Cause your future awaits.,

- I understand. ' Live today like it's your last'.

One of my friend's close friend died yesterday. I know not one thing about her, and I am devistated.. 17 years young that girl was, and her life ended too quick. She was sick for a while I heard... It just scares me because, this life & death is no joke. The things on the news or what we read aren't about 'the other people.' It's the news we read about the same people- exact people just like us. Some people don't have the choice to live as long as some of us do.. So, with do all respect- I'm going to remind myself everything when I'm feeling negative and low, to live for the people in heaven. To the ones that couldn't reach today. I dedicated a part of my life to them.

She was only 17.. Rest in Peace sweetheart. I hope your better, I hope you get to see more than this earth.


Gabrielle - I LIKE IT FAST said...

Lovely post. Great blog, I'm following you now. See you soon :)

LO' said...

Thanks for your lovely comment :)

Nice blog !


Pau Villafuerte said...

Hi there! Thank you for dropping by my blog! Read some of your stuff here. You're such a talented writer! How I wish I can express myself through poetry like this!

You wana follow each other? Let me know and I'll gladly follow back. :)

<3 Paulyn from