Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Sitting in the back of the class,
desperately waiting for some attention in the middle of his lectures.
Yawning and stretching, i always do
My eyes keeps hiding from the words
i cannot do.
I try and try to stay awake
i try and try to listen away---
but everytime my eyes catches an empty paper
my hands seek far north, filling the lines.
It's not an habit, nor addiction.
It's my life, and its what I do.
My teacher starts to walk over,
accusing me of doing something else unnecessary in his class-
he takes the paper as it cries for me while it leaves in his hands.
She's crying loud
screaming out,
the paper is wet
from her invisible tears.
I grimace at the teacher
cluing him with wrong.
As he proceeds, i see another paper
just freshly ripped out.
I reach for it again
and start again


Anonymous said...

Good for you! Keep reaching! And writing! It IS what you are meant to do!

Renee said...

Hailey this post is brilliant. Really fantastic.

I hope you are keeping all of these somewhere safe.

Love Renee