Maybe I'd like to wake up five o'clock in the morning from the beep of my new coffee maker with the trace of the scent of dark coffee boiling in the dark glass.
Coyote Ugly playing on T.V--my favorite movie before I even reached thirteen.
Hair still messy and still in my Pj's,
falling half asleep
while my other half is already wide awake,
ready for that cream coffee.
Today, my day will go as planned,
written thoughtfully in my diary, before I went to bed, last night.
I can hear my stomach growing, but it's not form hunger.
A morning coffee in a New York movie, with a piece of my past playing on T.V
I feel there is nothing else to lose,
nothing else to fear.
Secure now, under the little wooden roof in the edge of the busy New York streets,
Yet I probably would have never dreamt such a place,
Like this, I've never reach far back then...
what you write has a subtle beauty in it! i love the honesty of it all :)
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