Sunday, July 5, 2009


I am going to get some sleep

and wake up tomorrow with a brand new me.

I've been so unmotivated lately.

It's horrible.

I feel so lost, but at the same time I know where I am!

I just don't know where I'll end up...

So tomorrow, I will decide, weather to

keep dreaming and hoping


wake the f*ck up

and create the brand new me.


Anonymous said...

just if i hadnt gotten lost in this feeling, you have broken my heart so bad

but there's a love somewhere intact all for me

Anonymous said...

Let us know what you decide ;)

sarah said...

Hey there :-) I just have to pop up out of nowhere to tell you, kind of like a frying pan I guess ;-) - don't try to wake up yourself and make yourself.

Dream yourself alive.

Tell yourself its not a lack of motivation, its a quelled time, a time when ideas and promises can be nourished in silence. And just be. That's where you'll find yourself: right where you are.